Saturday, May 20, 2006

So Russia didn't make it to the World Cup but hey no matter: not when you've got a world-class song to enter into the Eurovision Song Contest. I think Russia's entry is great, although my ears are accustomed to such pop trumpery so you may not agree, as it's an acquired taste. I shall be rooting for the Motherland and probably laughing at the poor attempt from Britain. If I get to watch it. Everybody who I've asked so far hasn't even heard of the bleedin thing, so I don't know if it'll be on in our flat (remember, TV controlled by 7 year old boy).

A strange (but unsurprising, to me at least) change in the weather took place yesterday. After reaching high degrees of warmth over the past few days it was bizarre to see snow again and the temperature drop considerably.... so the summer is as unpredictable as the winter, which is good – I like consistency.

I have heard, through talking to students, that there may be a food out in them there Russian supermarkets that I will actually like.... I am going to go on a quest to find the glorious treasure... I shall keep you posted.


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