Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Here's a picture of a church.... see it's traditional dome bits on the top, that means it's a genuine Russian church. Note that while I was taking this picture a car crashed into the back of another car behind me.... I tried to sneakily film the irrate Russian woman whose 4x4 (is that the technical term) had been hit and who seemed to act also as a car mechanic/insurance claims advisor by shouting at the man in the car that had hit her 'you owe me 13000 roubles for that!'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

look in your English book for advice about use of apostrophe

3:54 PM  
Blogger Girl Least Likely To said...

Yes thank you, anonymous person who seems to wait for me to make a mistake, for pointing out my grammatical error. Error has now been corrected.

12:23 PM  

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